Once there was a bunny, its name was Hennery. Hennery was white and fluffy, everyone loved him and he loved them. One day Hennery’s parents had gotten Hennery a new bedroom that same night a bad storm came in and an evil soul had gotten in the room that Hennery was in and it had gotten in side Hennery’s mouth. The next day Hennery’s parents were awake and were looking for him in his room but he wasn’t in his room he was outside of the house he was at a car dealer place he was buying a black and red Bugatti. His parents were wondering were where he had gotten all of the money. When they had got home they had turn on the TV and the news was on and it said that a bank had been robed last night at 1:00AM and that the suspect looks like Hennery.

Hennery had gotten in trouble and he had gotten grounded for a week. It was night already and Hennery had gotten out. He’s driving in his Bugatti to Chicago to rob all of its banks and his parents had found out and were chasing him with the police were chasing him to. He had gotten to Chicago he had already robbed 3 banks and only had 46 more banks to go rob. His car had broken down so Hennery had stolen silver 911 Porsche. Hennery’s parents had gotten to Chicago.  They had called the Chicago police to look for a white bunny that response to Hennery and that’s in a Porsche and to catch him and use force if necessary.

Hennery was spotted the person who found Hennery had called the cops and the cops had found Hennery in a Porsche. The cops was chasing Hennery then it had turned daytime then Hennery had come good again then he had lost control of the vehicle and had fell off a cliff and the car had blew up and Hennery had died. When they Hennery’s parents had gotten home they had a funeral for Hennery.   


Alex mercer

Do you know who Alex Mercer is? Alex Mercer is an infected human but he is not an actual human he’s a zombie but he looks like a human and he has powers. His powers came from monsters he created he has claws he got from a brawler. A brawler’s claw is about 3 feet long. He has a shield which he got from a juggernaut when something like a missile hits the shield his shield spikes up and it ricochet and it hits whatever shot at him. He has hammer fist he got from a juggernaut. He has tendrils he got from a hydra. 


A hydra is a monster that was an ant. The only way it doesn’t look like an ant is because it was made with a worm that’s why it looks like that. When you’re by it, it sticks its tongue at you and grabs you and takes all of your life away.


A juggernaut is a monster no one knows how what he was at first. He was also created in the black light virus. When a juggernaut it’s the ground with his fist the ground spikes up and sends whatever is around you goes up in the air and when it hits the ground it explodes if it was a vehicle if not it just hits the ground.


A brawler is a dog that is infected with the black light virus. The reason the dog is so big because it was a Great Dane. Why a Great Dane you ask well it’s the biggest dog and meanest dog in the world to. You hardly even see these kinds of brawlers the one you see the most look just like it but it has no spikes in the back and it has claws it looks like this one at the top of the paragraph.