    Spongebob; the main character of the show Spongebob Squarepants was born or created July fourteenth, nineteen eighty-six which means he just turned twenty-seven . Technically he doesn’t have a specific age because his license says something else. He lives in a pineapple and his address is one twenty-four Conch Street, Bikini Bottom, Pacific Ocean. He is not very intelligent  than others but is very nice. His best friend is Patrick Star. The sea sponge works for his friend Eugene aka Mr.Krabs as a fry cook at The Krusty Krabs.
    Mr. SquarePants has many talents and a few of them jelly-fishing, cooking, fry and bubble blowing but not so much driving. He always gets excited or over excited when he drives with Mrs. Puff in the boat. But that doesn’t stop him from keep trying. No matter how many times he fails he always goes back with tons of enthusiasm saying his famous quote “I’m ready! I’m ready!”
    Characters in the past shows that are mean to SpongeBob, he’s so clueless he does not know when someone is being rude. Plus, he is still nice. For example Plankton has tried being his evil self. Even though most of the time it is obvious he is doing something on purpose to SquarePants.
    Just by the name was a lot of work. The original name was meant to be “SpongeBoy”. The title could’ve changed how he looked, the theme song, everything.
    This is one of the few ninety shows that still plays on television.  Most of them have been replaced with different versions of the old shows or have just never been re-made. SpongeBob SquarePants is a very unique or different show than most others because it has sea creatures that talk, a marine that is the voice of SpongeBob and last but not least the characteristics of each character in the show.

Mr. Kilgren
9/13/2013 06:26:04 am

Spongebob sounds like a cool show.

9/17/2013 06:19:25 am

unlike you

Bob cx
9/13/2013 10:02:02 am

spongebob totally stole my name. :D

9/17/2013 06:19:48 am

omg, i know right


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