During winter break I did not do much but be with my family. The first night we spent together was Christmas day. We baked tons of stuff. Brownies, cake, fudge, cupcakes and cookies. That was also the night I got sick. Me and my two cousins decided to go outside. It was about forty degrees and frost on the ground. Going outside was a bad idea because I am still sick. But hanging out with my family was fun.

It is very rare when me and my family all get together. Another night we spent together was the day after Christmas. We had brunch at my aunt’s house. Even though I was sick, I went outside again and was playing with my little cousins. Now me, my cousin Noah and Tiger are all sick. Once we went inside there was a nice warm cup of hot chocolate waiting for us three.

My major favorite part about winter break was just to spend family time. It is never all of us, it is either one of my aunt’s is out of town or they just do not go. So to make up for all that we spent about five days as a big family with all my eighteen cousins, three aunt’s and one uncle.

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