People are still wondering if the immigrant reform is going to pass. A lot of people want it to pass but there are still some people that don’t want it to pass like some republicans and citizens. Who do you think harvests your fruits and vegetables? Who do you almost sacrifices their life to harvests fruits and vegetable and to get money to feed their family? The immigrants do all of that even if you never thought about it.

The immigrants also founded 16 of the most popular companies like Google, Yahoo, Radio Shack, Big Lots, AT and T, Goldman Sachs, EBay, Kohl’s, Comcast Center, Nordstrom, Colgate, Sara Lee, Tyvek, Kraft, Pfizer and Dawn. If immigrants weren’t here in the United States these companies wouldn’t exists and our lives wouldn’t be modern like they are today.        

Also if you have ever tasted Mexican food, why do you think it is here in the United States? It is here because the Mexican immigrants brought the recipes here to the us.  Well a lot of Americans like Mexican food everywhere you go you will see a Mexican restaurant.

Some immigrants want to get money so they bring drugs for money. Those people are called “narcotraficantes” these people bring the most famous drugs like cocaine, marijuana and tobacco. But only small percent of the people that want money do it this way but the rest of the people want to do it the right way by working and getting the money for their family because the life in México is really hard especially with zetas killing innocent people.

What people really want is that the United States would stop deporting illegal people back to México, families are ripping apart. My best friend’s dad got deported back to México about 2 years ago. His dad had to waste about 3,000 dollars to come back to his family and that is only one example of the people that get deported. So if the United States is going to make that immigrant reform true they should do it soon!

10/18/2013 02:06:08 am

I enjoyed reading your article and your point of view, nicely written.
You should be proud. I enjoyed reading it- thanks!


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