 Did you ever want to swim in the ocean? Well now you can without even going to the ocean just go to a mall that suffered a tsunami. Like in this picture, there was a tsunami; the sharks came with the wave and inside the mall. If you even try to jump and swim it is going to be the last time you are going to jump! By the picture it looks like these are tiger sharks. One of the most dangerous in the world. A witness said “ there was a drunk guy really drunk that jumped in he barely got saved because the sharks weren’t looking at him.” The mall was like this for two days. Finally they took the sharks back to the ocean. Thankfully no one died only some injured. This happens rarely like once every 50 years. When this happens again it might be a lot more dangerous than it was this time. But the malls were closed for about a week to be able to fix everything. Now days people are still shopping in this mall but the people that were there are never going to forget this moment never in their lives. Bye.

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