Today there are 5101 zombies are in the world. No one knows how they got here or why. But lots of scientists are trying to find how people become them. This is how it all happened twenty years ago.

“Hello what is your problem miss”, said the doctor.

“Please help me there are these creatures everywhere in my house”, said frightened by the woman.

“How did this happen, where are you”, he said.

“Um, I was having a bar-barbecue and I live on Sheri road”, she stuttered.

“Ok I want you to call the police and hurry you don’t have much time”, he yelled.

So she did as so and fast. In about ten minutes they were in the dark concrete the police were there. They tried to kill them but every time they killed one off them the other ones jumped and bit deeply in their skin trying to pry them off. Then in twelve seconds the person would be transformed as a new zombie.

A detective hurried out of the car ran on the cracked paved road and grabbed a dead zombie. He drove over the speed limit by twenty. He got to the science lab and took it in. They soon noticed several bite marks all over the body. Then tested the blood and in the DNA was a virus that couldn’t be explained. So they said on an intercom “everyone to hide and soon it will be over”. But it was not going to be over, so everyone remained calm.

In the middle of the night the scientist was testing on an animal to see if it could work on not just living things.

“Help, help, help”, he screamed as people came running but it was too late.

“Oh my gosh” the crowd was saying.

After about five more days of testing it worked. They named it “zombie”, and knew they couldn’t escape. Soon there were only zombies, also known today as the zombie apocalypse.

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