Our2ndlife is a YouTube group. They have 7 members. Kian Lawley, 18, Trevor Moran, 14, JC Caylen, 21, Sam Pottorff, 17, Ricky Dillon, 21, Connor Franta, 21. Well, now there are only 6 members. They are really funny guys, and I love them! Look them up, they have lots of videos. All of these boys have they’re own days on o2l. The order, from Monday-Saturday. Connor, Ricky, Sam, JC, Trevor, and then Kian. They all have their own accounts on YouTube. Look them up, just they’re regular names. Except Kian, his is SUPERKIAN13. Here is a little bio on all of them.


   Connor Franta was born on September 12, 1992. He is an original YouTube personality, and has been on YouTube for about 3 years. He was born in Minnesota. He is one of my favorite YouTubers! He makes Mondays a little more FRANTA-stic.


   Richard Dillon was born on April 4th, 1992. His old username is PICKLEandBANANA. Back in 2010, he made videos with his friend, Shelby. They made a few videos, but soon Ricky decided to make his own videos. Then, after a few videos on his main channel, RickyDaily, he was put into a collab group, called Our2ndLife. But don’t worry, RickyDaily, is used to make daily videos.


Samuel Pottorff was born October 19th, 1995. He is a young youtuber, and is currently dating. He has made videos with Sawyer Hartman, Kian Lawley, (on kians main channel, SuperKian13) and a lot of others. He still makes videos on the o2l channel, just on Wednesdays. He also has his main channel.

JC Caylen

Justin Cloud Caylen was born on September 11th, 1992. In San Antonio, texas. He has 3 siblings. He also has 3 dogs. He was originally a youtuber but was founded and put into o2l. he is one to overlook the negative, and considers the positive.


This is Trevor Moran, he has been on X-Factor. He sang LMFAO’s “Sexy and I Know It”. He is now 14. He is an awesome youtuber, and an even better singer.


Kian Robert Lawley was born on September 2nd, 1995. He is veryyy tall. He is freakishly 6’0. He is still growing though. He is great friends with Sam Pottorff.

The old member, was departed from o2l. his name is Ricardo Ordeires.

Well, thank you for reading this article!!!!!

This is they’re twitters and they’re little anime characters.

Ella Rocha-O2L-5SOS

@Priv_Ella_Rocha  < my twitter J

11/19/2013 05:34:28 am

I love them!!!! :D AWESOME :)) you should make a article on viners ^.^


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