Are you afraid of spiders? If so then don’t read.  

There are 15 types of spiders and there are two kinds of spiders there are web weaving kind and there is non-weaving spiders. Out of weaving spiders there are: garden spider, water spider, cobweb spider, brown recluse, black widow spider, funnel weaver, nursery spider, and barn spider. These are non-weaving spider: wolf spider, crab spider, tarantula, lynx spider, jumping spider, trapdoor spider, and sac spider.


A garden spider is one of the harmless spiders. When the garden hunts it stays very still on the ground and when the prey stays still that’s when the spider attacks.    They like to eat dead spiders.

Water spider

 A water spider is that looks green and has long legs. It swims on water only and it has 2 body parts. It creates a bell shape web and it can live under water and it catches food in water.

Cob web spider

A cobweb spider lives in shrubs and trees. Cobwebs spiders could grow to about 1/3 inches long. They have several dark black stripes on their upper side.

Brown Recluse SPIDER                                 

When a brown recluse bites you it leaves a hole where it had bit you at. They are mostly found in barns, attics, and cellars. They are web weavers and they have long skinny legs and a violin shape on their back.


They are only female black widows. They have two triangles on their stomach. They are the best web weavers.

Funnel web spider

The funnel web spider lays about 500 eggs in their egg sac. Their funnels are held by strings of silk. They catch their food by weaving their funnel shape web in the grass.

Nursery spider

  A nursery spider has eight eyes and 8 legs. Their eyes are in 2 rows in each row it has 4 eyes. When their babies hatch their mother builds a nursery web for the babies to be protected in.

Barn spider   

A barn spider is an orb-weaving spider.

It lives in barns, coal, mines openings, and over hanging cliffs. The barn spider is found in the U S A and Canada.

Crab spider

A crab spider is reddish and its body is like a crab that’s why it’s called a crab spider. It lives in trees and eats eggs that had fell from trees. They can climb up wet stuff using their feet.

Wolf spider

A wolf spider has 4 eyes small in a row.

They have 3 small claws and very, very, large eyes! They have long hair and they live on the ground.


When they are babies they are small they can weigh 1-3 oz. they are 1-5 inches long. They live in dry areas. They have hairy and long legs.

They can crawl really fast on the ground and they shoot out hairs at you if they get scared.                                      

Jumping spider

A male jumping spider is about 8 mm long and a female is about 10 mm long. They are usually smaller than 15 mm long. They live in trees and shrubs. Jumping spiders have 360 degree eye sight. At night they can see really well and when it’s cold they hide in holes. They jump 25 times their body length.

They have 8 eyes in shape of a hexagon their eyes are in 4 rows of 2. Lynx has good eye sight and are busy all the time even at night they sleep only for 3 hours. They live in warm climates like Oklahoma. And they live in shrubs on trees. They use their silk as a dragline to climb up a tree. They wait on flowers to jump on a visiting insect.

Trap door spider
They live in burrows underneath the ground. They catch their prey when it walks past the trap door. The door has hinges and it is made out of sticks and leafs. If there was a flood the spider would climb out of the burrow and put some more stuff to block the water out. When the spiderlings hatch they stay at the bottom of the burrow and the mother feeds them with the food she had caught till they are old enough to catch their own food. A trap door spider may live as long as 15 or 20 or 25 years that is frightening.

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