The first couple days of winter break I was bored and decided to go on Netflix. Suddenly I found a show I liked “The Secret Circle.” I spent from morning to night for days just watching The Secret Circle. I ended up finishing it in a couple of days. Perfection would be the definition of this show.

The remaining days of that week I decided to continue watching Flashpoint on Netflix . Each season contained about twenty episodes. Every morning, once I woke up I would turn on the television and get straight into watching my favorite show. Before winter break finished I ended up completing the last episode!!!! In total I probably watched about sixty or more episodes of Flashpoint.

Over winter break I went to Florida. We went to Disney World in Orlando and to the beach in Miami. I stayed at a beach house for a whole week. The temperature over there was totally different from here. In Florida it was about seventy to eighty degrees, windy but not cold. Here it is way COLDER. My favorite part about Florida was the beach and Disney World. I can’t wait to go back some time, hopefully soon. J J

            Emily, Anacelli, Michael and I went to Miami, Florida on a nice sunny day. We were going to go to the beach, the mall, American Airlines Arena, We flew out on a plane at around five in the morning. All four of us fell asleep since we woke up really early to pack our things.  Suddenly the plane started to spin and the flight attendant started to shout. We had no clue what was going on.

            “Everyone stay calm!!!.” shouted the two flight attendants.

            “What are you talking about?!?!” all four of said.

            “Were going down!!!!” everyone started to scream.

            Emily, Anacelli, Michael and I were all sitting in the back. Thankfully, we had a less chance of dying like that. Everyone unexpectedly stopped screaming and talking. We had finally landed….on an island. It was the Queen B Island. I could not believe that we had just landed on the most beautiful island ever!

            Sadly, everyone else had perished. The only people that survived were I, Emily, Anacelli, Michael, and a random little kid. He saw his parents perish. He started to cry, I asked him what his name was and his name was Billy Bob. He wouldn’t stop crying so we had to calm him down some way. We got off the plane and started our adventure on the Queen B Island. Billy Bob ended up not crying anymore when he saw all the animals.

            There were tons of palm trees, and my favorite tree, a coconut tree! I couldn’t reach the coconuts though, but I really wanted one. Billy Bob decided to run off because he saw a tiger. We weren’t going to risk our lives so there went another person. The tiger had eaten Billy Bob, then ate his head. We all stayed as best friend’s and lived happily ever after. 

Background information:

Full name: Christian Ray Brown

Born: November 22nd, 1965

Height: 6’4

Location: Seattle, Washington

Christian Ray Brown is a former NBA player. He plays for the Seattle Supersonics . He was raised in Miami, Florida by his mom Sandra Brown. He was an only child and had no father. His father, TJ Mark had left Christian when Sandra was two months pregnant. Two years after, she was pregnant again. Unfortunately, Christian’s brother died in the womb.

How I love basketball. If someone told me that I would fall so deep for a simply sport, I would have said you’re a fool.

                I remember like it was yesterday, I was sitting staring at my older cousin and his friends play basketball, when they asked me if I wanted to play. Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t very good but after that day all I wanted to do was play again and again.

                The next morning and the morning after that, bright and early I would practice. My whole summer and the rest of my life was about basketball, I just didn’t know it yet.

                The summer after freshman year I tried so hard to become better at passing, dribbling, shooting and everything in between.  I was ready to make the team at Jefferson High School.

                I showed up to try outs day after day for two weeks. I was sure I was going to make the team but I guess destiny had other plans, I was cut. I couldn’t believe it. I still remember the words my mom told me when I told her, “Momma, I didn’t make the team.”

For about a month or two I refused to play or even talk about basketball. But then one morning my mom told me, “If they didn’t want you, show them what they lost.” I grabbed my basketball and played all day long. I would wake up every morning at five just to play basketball.  I played from sun up to sun down.

One day I was all alone at the basketball hoops outside of Jefferson High School when I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I turned around and saw that it was the varsity basketball coach, Fred.

“You’ve got skills son,” he remarked. 

“But… you cut me from the team?” I replied with a sigh.

“I can see I made a mistake now. You’ve improved tremendously.”  

Those words changed my life.  After that day I was not only on the varsity team, I was also a starter. I improved so much, I went from shooting guard to being able to play any position I was handed. 

Four years had passed. I had an overwhelming amount of colleges wanting me to play basketball for them. I thought about it and I thought about it some more. At the end of the day I choose to go with my gut and attend the University of Louisville with a full ride scholarship.

I was scared to leave Momma behind but I had to do it for me.  And it was one of the best decisions of my life. When I was a sophomore in college I entered the NBA draft.

People were talking about me everywhere, on Sports Illustrator, NBA Talk, and ESPN.  Rumor had it that I was going to be the first pick in the draft. 

The day of the draft I wore a black tuxedo and went to the draft with my Momma. I was so nervous I could feel my heart racing. I wanted the rumors to be true. Then they called my name, a great big smile went on my face. I was heading to Seattle to be a Supersonic. To this day I still play for them. It’s been the best two years of my life here in Seattle. Millions of fans screaming my name is all I ever asked for.