Emily, Anacelli, Michael and I went to Miami, Florida on a nice sunny day. We were going to go to the beach, the mall, American Airlines Arena, We flew out on a plane at around five in the morning. All four of us fell asleep since we woke up really early to pack our things.  Suddenly the plane started to spin and the flight attendant started to shout. We had no clue what was going on.

            “Everyone stay calm!!!.” shouted the two flight attendants.

            “What are you talking about?!?!” all four of said.

            “Were going down!!!!” everyone started to scream.

            Emily, Anacelli, Michael and I were all sitting in the back. Thankfully, we had a less chance of dying like that. Everyone unexpectedly stopped screaming and talking. We had finally landed….on an island. It was the Queen B Island. I could not believe that we had just landed on the most beautiful island ever!

            Sadly, everyone else had perished. The only people that survived were I, Emily, Anacelli, Michael, and a random little kid. He saw his parents perish. He started to cry, I asked him what his name was and his name was Billy Bob. He wouldn’t stop crying so we had to calm him down some way. We got off the plane and started our adventure on the Queen B Island. Billy Bob ended up not crying anymore when he saw all the animals.

            There were tons of palm trees, and my favorite tree, a coconut tree! I couldn’t reach the coconuts though, but I really wanted one. Billy Bob decided to run off because he saw a tiger. We weren’t going to risk our lives so there went another person. The tiger had eaten Billy Bob, then ate his head. We all stayed as best friend’s and lived happily ever after. 

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