Once upon a time there was a panda named Poof Poofy. She LOVED her riding horse and took it everywhere with her. When she went to school she took it with her, including when she went to the store. No one had a clue why she took it with her. Everyone at her school made fun of her. She didn’t care though. Her motto was “Haters gonna hate” and she lived by it.
At recess while everyone would be playing tag or four square she would be riding her yellow horse. Poof Poofy didn’t let ANYONE ride her yellow plastic horse. There was a mean panda named Evily. She picked on Poof all the time and hated her because Evily didn’t have a horse. Evily was very jealous of Poof Poofy.

The following day Evily went up to Poof Poofy and took her horse from her.  Poof Poofy got angry and threw a rock at Evily. Evily was on the ground crying, bleeding, and screaming for a teacher. Poof Poofy ran as quick as she could and took her riding horse with her of course. An old lady recess teacher finally saw that the evil panda was bleeding and crying and asked what happened. Poof Poofy was nowhere in sight and never was convicted for her crime. Poof Poofy lived happily ever after with her yellow riding horse.

Josy Jacksen
12/12/2013 05:51:05 am

that is one adorable panda


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